Diagnosis and management of anterior hip & groin pain
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Have you been having difficulty with determining the source or underlying mechanisms driving anterior hip or groin pain? Perhaps you are having difficulty with knowing where to start in the management process or the best methods of ensuring a speedy, optimal outcome. Are you looking for an anterior hip pain course or a groin pain course? If so, you are in exactly the right place.
Whether you’re an established physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor or other health and exercise professional, our groin and anterior hip pain management course will better your skills and understanding of the anterior hip and groin. You’ll also be equipped with the knowledge to administer clinical diagnostic tests and management strategies.
In our groin and anterior hip course, will not only cover anterior hip and groin pain assessment in this course, but you'll really dig deep into understanding different conditions, providing the basis for achieving best possible short and long-term outcomes for your patients.
The anterior hip pain physiotherapy course available with Dr Alison Grimaldi is broken down into three modules: joint-related pain and bony impingement, soft tissue-related pain, and referred and nerve-related pain. Put together by a clinician-researcher, our anterior hip pain management course is presented in an easy-to-understand format, preventing students from becoming overwhelmed with the course material.
The course also concludes with a quiz, ensuring students retain the coursework and have the opportunity to apply their newfound skills and knowledge.
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Course Testimonial

"Alison presents a significant amount of in depth information in a clear and logical format that readily translates in to clinical practice. I have found her courses invaluable in updating my knowledge and enhancing my skills in managing hip and pelvic conditions."
Jay Cunningham, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, UK
Anterior hip pain physiotherapy course details
This anterior hip and groin pain course provides a detailed examination of mechanisms of physical overload (morphology, movement, muscle) and impairments associated with anterior hip pain and groin pain, clinical diagnostic tests and management approaches.
The groin and anterior hip pain course covers all the main local causes of anterior hip and groin pain: joint related-pain & bony impingement (intra & extra-articular), soft tissue-related pain and nerve-related pain.
Our groin and anterior hip course includes:
- 5 hours of online video tutorials
- Downloadable PDF notes
- 3-months unlimited access (current Hip Academy members enjoy ongoing access to course content)
- Downloadable professional development certificate
- Complete lessons in bite-sized pieces around a busy timetable
- Designed by a clinician-researcher for clinicians
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This anterior hip and groin pain course aims to
- Clarify definitions of anterior hip pain and groin pain
- Explore factors which may influence intra-articular hip joint loads
- morphological variants (eg FAI, acetabular dysplasia, femoral version, capsulo-labral deficits)
- adverse joint loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function
- the adequacy of joint protection mechanisms
- Explore factors which may influence extra-articular loads in the anterior hip region
- morphological variants (eg. AIIS/Subspine Impingement)
- adverse soft tissue loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function (focus on hip flexors)
- Provide an overview of key load management and therapeutic exercise strategies for anterior hip pain, particular to the patient presentation and associated difficulties with mechanical load transfer.
- Provide an update on groin pain clinical entities and where the literature sits with regard to prevention and management.
Enhance your knowledge of hip and pelvic conditions with a Hip Academy Membership
While students can purchase Dr Alison Grimaldi’s anterior hip pain management course on its own, those looking to further their knowledge and save money over the long term may benefit from a Hip Academy Membership. This membership provides unrestricted access to a vast range of high-quality, evidence-based content surrounding challenging hip and pelvic conditions.
Our Hip Academy Membership provides unlimited access to the following:
- All online hip courses - detailed lecture-style videos and reference PDFs
- ebooks on understanding tendinopathies of the hip and pelvis
- A growing how-to video and PDF resource library
- Live Hip Academy Zoom meetings
Simply pay the one-off $445 joining fee and unlock over $2,000 worth of content, which you can access anytime!
This groin and anterior hip pain management course is included when you sign up for an Anterior Hip and Groin Pain Face-to-Face or Online Workshop. It is also included in Hip Academy Membership.
Ready to positively impact your patients by strengthening your knowledge of hip and pelvic conditions? Apply for our groin and anterior hip pain management course today!
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AUD $165.00 Tax FreeBuy Now
This online course is included in Hip Academy and Hip Academy members receive discounts for online workshops.
This online course is included in our Hip Academy membership. Hip Academy members also receive discounts for live online workshops.

About Dr Alison Grimaldi
Dr Alison Grimaldi is a physiotherapist, researcher and educator with over 30 years of clinical experience. She has completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, a Masters of Sports Physiotherapy and a PhD, with her doctorate topic in the hip region. Dr Grimaldi is Practice Principal of PhysioTec Physiotherapy in Brisbane and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. She runs a global Hip Academy and has presented over 100 workshops around the world.