Diagnosis and management of anterior hip & groin pain
A detailed examination of mechanisms of physical overload (morphology, movement, muscle) and impairments associated with anterior hip and groin pain, clinical diagnostic tests and management approaches.
Includes joint related-pain & bony impingement (intra & extra-articular), soft tissue-related pain and nerve-related pain.
- 5 hours of online video tutorials
- Downloadable PDF notes
- 3-months unlimited access
- Downloadable professional development certificate
This course aims to
- Clarify definitions of anterior hip and groin pain
- Explore factors which may influence intra-articular hip joint loads
- morphological variants (eg FAI, acetabular dysplasia, femoral version, capsulo-labral deficits)
- adverse joint loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function
- the adequacy of joint protection mechanisms
- Explore factors which may influence extra-articular loads in the anterior hip region
- morphological variants (eg. AIIS/Subspine Impingement)
- adverse soft tissue loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function (focus on hip flexors)
- Provide an overview of key load management and therapeutic exercise strategies for anterior hip pain, particular to the patient presentation and associated difficulties with mechanical load transfer.
- Provide an update on groin pain clinical entities and where the literature sits with regard to prevention and management.
Dr Alison Grimaldi
With over 30 years of clinical experience and particular expertise in the management of hip, groin and lumbo-pelvic pain and dysfunction, Dr Alison Grimaldi is Principal Physiotherapist at Physiotec and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. View profile