Detailed Member Testimonials
Read detailed testimonials of our members, and see for yourself why Hip Academy is loved by members all around the world

Sue Walsh
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Sports Medicine.
Chicago, USA
I greatly value the Hip Academy and everything it offers. Its evidence-based, up-to-date resources make it a truly one-of-a-kind platform.
The depth and quality of the information provided have been invaluable in enhancing my knowledge and supporting my work.

Martin Payne
Manual Physiotherapist
Owner, Manual Physio Solutions.
North Bay, Ontario Canada
Since joining the Hip Academy, I have developed a deeper knowledge and understanding of pathologies of the hip and pelvis.
Dr. Grimaldi presents the educational material in a logical and user-friendly format. The evidence-based treatment approaches that I have learned from being a member of the Hip Academy have significantly benefited my clients’ recovery.
I would strongly encourage any Physiotherapist who treat neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions of the hip and pelvis to consider joining the Hip Academy.

Sigbjørn Hjorthaug
Sandnes, Norway
Physiotherapist/Manual therapist
Alison Grimaldi has done a great job in building her knowledge and clinical expertise during many years of clinical work, research and teaching. This is all gathered in Hip Academy which makes it possible to have easy access to knowledge from a world leading hip expert.
Here you’ll find lots of golden points on how to treat hip patients - an area which has been a big black box for many therapists. Here you also have access to one-on-one mentoring sessions - this can be such awesome help in clinical reasoning and growing as a therapist.
There are also hip academy meetings, where you can catch up with ‘hip geeks’ from all over the world. There is also great information from the blog, infographs and endless how-to videos and lots of online courses. I would highly recommend Hip academy! If you want to know more about hips - you have come to the right place!

Mariette Oelofse
Pretoria, South Africa
Senior Physiotherapist | Studying MSc
There is a lot of opportunity to build up important knowledge through, not only Alison's knowledge that she shares but also the academic work and other research that she references and ultimately uses to support our learning at the Hip Academy.
The fact that I have access to the course 24/7 is extremely valuable. For example, when dealing with a patient diagnosed with hip dysplasia, I can easily refer back to the online course content that deals with this topic. This helps me to better understand and process the issue and helps me to ensure that I successfully manage the patient care.
The resources available to us are incredible. For example, following a live academy meeting, Alison provided us with a 6-page step-by-step guide for analysing x-rays. This shows the level of attention and care given to each topic. The course content is delivered in such a way that it is practical, understandable and easy to use - I can't stress how important this has been to date. The resources also serve as quick references at the practice.
This course has been so helpful to me for two reasons. Firstly, I'm currently busy with my MSc in the field of hip joint-related pain, and I needed to gain a better understanding on certain topics. To learn from Alison, who is experienced in this field, has added a lot of value to my studies and my own research. Secondly, I am part of a multidisciplinary team in the management of hip/joint pain. This course has really helped me improve my confidence when I am discussing patients with the doctors, orthopaedic surgeons, and I've been more comfortable giving my calculated opinion and engaging in the discussion.

Katie Monnington
London, UK
Specialist Physiotherapist | NHS ESP
I joined Hip Academy to have access to current, evidence based, educational resources from a highly regarded clinician and researcher that were available in one place.
My role is clinical lead of the hip service at a tertiary centre in London, UK. Through access to Hip Academy I wanted to ensure that the clinical practice in our centre was current, to deliver the best patient care and to improve efficiency of working.
It can sometimes be confusing and time consuming trying to navigate through the research and pool all the information together. Busy clinical roles and home life can make this challenging so to have access to well researched, clearly explained resources help smarter working.
I was hoping that through joining Hip Academy I would improve my knowledge base and understanding of different hip pathologies and the differential tests for these. The online lectures have been a great resource for this. They are delivered in smaller modules which are more achievable to complete so that you can go at your own pace and easily fit it around your lifestyle. Having PDF handouts that can be printed out to work alongside these are really valuable for making notes so that you can refer back to.
Together with this, having the video library of clinical tests for different pathologies demonstrating the exact technique and reasoning for each test supports your clinical practice and is really helpful to have this information so readily available. I have found the PDF crib sheets for diagnosing the different hip pathologies a great resource. I have printed them off and take them into clinical practice to help my clinical reasoning and to remember the ‘cluster tests’ of the different pathologies.

Lisa Jackson
Brisbane, Australia
Director, Core Pilates | Principal Trainer, PAA
As a senior level Pilates and Movement teacher I constantly see, and am referred, a lot of clients who present with hip and pelvic conditions. This is what originally led me to Alison’s research and specific work relating to the hip and pelvis. What I have learned through Alison and her courses has been invaluable in the way I approach my clients and their rehabilitation programs. It has also opened my eyes to providing better programming strategies for all of my clients in general.
Alison offers premium professional development courses that can be easily understood and transferred to any exercise modality. Her content is clear, relevant and extremely well presented and her commitment to providing this information is second to none. Alison is approachable and passionate about what she does, and with her extensive clinical experience and research based knowledge she provides a superior level of learning opportunities.
Hip Academy is a unique way to learn directly from Alison, and the course content, exercise resource library and regular blogs are excellent and well worth the monthly investment. Being able to participate in regular online tutorials takes the learning to another level.
A huge thank you to Alison for providing such a great resource for those of us who share a passion for the hip and pelvis and aspire to specialising within this area.

Janice Moore
Melbourne, Australia - Private Practitioner | Physio for 20+ years
Hip Academy is not just about the hip but the complex interaction of the hip in the greater biomechanical chain with respect to various musculoskeletal conditions: from clinical reasoning & physical assessment through to relevant interventions including understanding load progression. It’s not just online course modules but access to the latest research, private forums, interactive meetings led by Dr Alison Grimaldi, a growing library of PDF resources, videos on assessment & exercises and further discounts on personal mentoring & complete courses. I’ve been a physio for over 20 years & attended multiple courses run by Dr Alison Grimaldi in person but I’m still obtaining a wealth of support & improved knowledge being part of the Hip Academy community. I believe Hip Academy will benefit anyone from a new grad to an experienced clinician with any interest in the hip & related regions whilst enabling you to connect to a community of practitioners around the world.
I had access to far more resources than I imagined. Online discussions are invaluable in terms of posting a question & having contributions not only from yourself but from fellow members. Same goes with the hip academy meetings. The amount of videos & PDF resources (which are growing) are also valuable. Having access to an “expert” on the region & other practitioners with an interest means access to a huge amount of clinical experience.
I would absolutely recommend this membership as you are getting access to a wealth of resources (PDF handouts / guides, videos, online learning modules, forums) plus interactive hip academy meetings without spending any more money at all!

Sarah Plumer
New York, USA
DPT | Board Certified Clinical Specialist
I signed up for hip academy because I value the education that I have received from Dr. Grimaldi’s educational resources including her online courses, educational resources, and video library. I first had the opportunity to take a course with Dr. Grimaldi in person which introduced me to her online courses. I subsequently took each of her online courses as I have a special interest in the hip joint. I reference her courses, educational material, and videos frequently, so I value having access to them year-round through being a hip academy member. Additionally, the hip professional forum and live meetings are great resources for learning, to deepen understanding of concepts. Dr. Grimaldi also offers mentoring sessions which are reasonably priced and an invaluable way to deepen understanding of the hip and to discuss cases with her directly. The website is easy to navigate and very well-organized which allows me to be efficient with finding information when I need it. The cost is very reasonable per month to have access to all of this, and I feel good knowing I am supporting her organization as her work has been invaluable to my learning and my patients.
I would highly recommend Dr. Grimaldi’s hip academy to anyone who treats patients with hip dysfunction in an orthopedic setting, but also therapists who work in other settings such as skilled nursing facilities or acute care would benefit as research on hip function is central to any skill level of locomotion. Additionally, what I have learned from Dr. Grimaldi’s resources has aided in my understanding of other regions of the body such as the low back and shoulder girdle in that many of the themes in the courses have to do with understanding layers of muscles and their function as stabilizers or global movers.