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Hip Academy - PDF Resource Inclusions

Hip Academy provides exclusive access to a growing library of invaluable clinical PDF Resources (OVER 260 PAGES)

Only available to Hip Academy members, these downloadable and printable resources are usually 2-6 pages of focused 'apply-in-the-clinic-today' content

Our members love having easy access to these 'cheat-sheets' that serve as a quick reminder in clinic or as prompts for group training sessions

Clinical Resources - General

Downloadable and printable easy-reference pdf resources covering a wide variety of topics around conditions and management approaches for hip and pelvic conditions.

Includes: Multi-page full colour pdfs, with more to come.

Valued at $95. Only available for Hip Academy Members.

Clinical Resources - Diagnosis

Downloadable and printable cheat-sheets outlining patient interview features and physical features of various hip and pelvic conditions. Includes test batteries, technique tips and clinimetrics.

Includes: Multi-page full colour pdfs with more to come.

Valued at $130. Only available for Hip Academy Members.

Clinical Resources - Treatment Strategies

Downloadable and printable treatment strategy resources. This section is starting with some muscle and joint techniques and will grow to include guides for exercise prescription around the hip and pelvis.

Includes: Multi-page full colour pdfs, with more to come.

Valued at $40. Only available for Hip Academy Members.

Clinical Resources - Imaging

Downloadable and printable guides to imaging assessment of the hip and surrounding musculature. Detailed step-by-step guides for real time ultrasound imaging, assessing xrays and using inteleviewer.

Includes: Multi-page full colour pdfs, with more to come.

Valued at $90. Only available for Hip Academy Members.

Featured New Hip Papers

Downloadable and printable Featured New Hip Papers resources. This new section will explore clinically relevant new hip papers, which positively contribute to our understanding of the Hip.

Includes: Multi-page full colour pdfs, with more to come.

Only available for Hip Academy Members.

Hip Facts From the Literature

Downloadable and printable Hip Facts from Literature resources. This new section will explore clinically relevant hip facts from literature, which positively contribute to our understanding of the Hip.

Includes: Full colour pdfs, with more to come.

Only available for Hip Academy Members.