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Clinical Resources - General

  • Prevention of Femoral Malversion
  • The hip and pelvic floor – Anatomical and functional relationships
  • Greater trochanteric pain after hip replacement
  • Surgical and Rehab predictors of failed hip arthroscopy
  • Patient predictors of failed hip arthroscopy
  • Modifying Leg Press For Hip Pain
  • Modifying Deadlifts For Hip Pain
  • Modifying RFESS For Hip Pain
  • 3 Yoga Poses to Modify For Hip Pain
  • 3 Pilates Exercises To Reconsider for Hip Pain
  • The Quest for Goldilocks Glutes
  • Getting to the Bottom of Buttock Pain
  • Acetabular Dysplasia a 3D deficiency
  • Things that go click in the hip
  • Iliopsoas impingement after THR
  • How many syndromes can a buttock have?
  • Total Hip Replacement – Is it time yet
  • Surgical management of hip OA Clinician Resource
  • Sacroiliac joint related pain
  • Acetabular Dysplasia Development and Prevention
  • Cam Morphology Development and Prevention
  • Femoral Malversion Development and Prevention

Clinical Resources - Diagnosis

  • Diagnosing Adductor Related Groin Pain
  • Local Versus Lumbar Tips for Differential Diagnosis of Upper Buttock Pain
  • Local Versus Lumbar Tips for Differential Diagnosis of Mid Buttock Pain
  • Local Versus Lumbar Tips for Differential Diagnosis of Lower Buttock Pain
  • Diagnosing Gluteal Tendinopathy
  • Diagnosing Anterior Instability
  • Diagnosing Posterior Hip Instability
  • Diagnosing FAIS
  • Diagnosing Sacroiliac Joint Related Pain
  • Diagnosing IFIS
  • Diagnosing Deep Gluteal Syndrome
  • Differential Diagnosis of Anterior Hip Pain Part 1
  • Differential Diagnosis of Anterior Hip Pain Part 2

Clinical Resources - Treatment Strategies

  • Self Mobilisations Joint Techniques for Home
  • Management Strategies for Gluteal Overactivity
  • Manual Therapy Gaining Hip Flexion Range
  • Manual Therapy Longitudinal Distraction Techniques
  • Manual Therapy Gaining Internal Rotation Range
  • Post operative rehabilitation arthroscopy
  • Prehab Rehab after Hip Arthroplasty

Clinical Resources - Imaging

  • Inteleviewer How To Guide
  • Assessing XRays of the hip and pelvis
  • Real time ultrasound assessment and training of the deep hip external rotator muscles
  • Real time ultrasound assessment and training of the hip abductor muscle synergy
  • Real time ultrasound assessment and training of the hip flexor synergy
  • Exploring Hip Anatomy on MRI

Featured New Hip Papers

  • Featured Hip Paper – Jan 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Feb 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Mar 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Apr 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – May 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jun 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jul 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Aug 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Sep 22
  • Featured Hip Paper - Oct 22
  • Featured Hip Paper - Nov 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Dec 22
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jan 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Feb 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Mar 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Apr 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – May 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jun 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jul 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Aug 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Sep 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Oct 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Nov 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Dec 23
  • Featured Hip Paper – Jan 24
  • Featured Hip Paper – Feb 24
  • Featured Hip Paper – Mar 24
  • Featured Hip Paper – Apr 24
  • Featured Hip Paper – May 24

Hip Facts From the Literature

  • Compression & gluteal tendinopathy
  • COMPRESSION & adductor tendinopathy
  • Lig Teres Injury & Area Of Joint Injury in FAIS
  • Relevance of Ligamentum Teres Injury in FAIS
  • Managing patients with anterior hip pain
  • Push off and hip joint forces in gait
  • Cam morphology and Hip Osteoarthritis
  • Pincer morphology and Hip Osteoarthritis
  • The multisystem nature of hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  • Fatigue & hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  • Why are those with acetabular dysplasia more likely to develop acetabular labral tears?
  • Anterior acetabular edge loading during gait in acetabular dysplasia
  • The Influence of Femoral Morphology on Hip Adduction During Running
  • The influence of weightbearing activity on development of femoral morphology
  • Isolated trochanteric bursitis is RARE
  • TFL hypertrophy is associated with fatty infiltration of the gluteus medius & minimus
  • Cam regrowth is more common in adolescents after arthroscopic cam resection, particularly in males
  • Repeat hip arthroscopy within 5 years more likely in adolescents who presented with acute injury
  • The Gothic Arch Angle (GAA): A new imaging index of hip instability in acetabular dysplasia
  • A New Clinical Test for Anterior Hip Instability
  • Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injection significantly increases the risk of Rapidly Destructive Hip Disease
  • Corticosteroid Injection within 3 months of hip replacement significantly increases risk of periprosthetic joint infection
  • More evidence that capsular repair produces superior results after hip arthroscopy
  • Healing of capsular repair after hip Arthroscopy is associated with clinical outcomes
  • Ligamentum teres injury is associated with other joint pathology
  • Ligamentum teres injury influences risk of requiring arthroscopic surgery
  • The Influence of Pelvic Tilt on Acetabular Forces
  • The Influence of Pelvic Tilt on Hip Muscle Contributions
  • What patient rated outcome measure do you use for gluteal tendinopathy or GTPS?
  • What physical function capacity measurement do you use for gluteal tendinopathy or GTPS?
  • Femoral offset increases risk of lateral snapping hip
  • Labral tears are prevalent in those with gluteal tendon tears
  • The anterior hip capsule is thinner in dysplastic hips
  • Femoral anteversion is associated with a thinner anterior capsule in patients with FAIS
  • Professional ballet dancers have larger gluteal muscles than other athletes
  • Professional ballet dancers have larger obturator externus muscles than other athletes
  • Those with mild – moderate hip OA walk with reduced joint angles & moments
  • Those with mild – moderate hip OA use less iliopsoas and more glute max force in gait
  • Around 50% of physiotherapist may miss a diagnosis of hip OA
  • For Hip & Knee OSTEOARTHRITIS, exercise has similar effects on pain & function to that of oral NSAIDs & paracetamol
  • Corticosteroid injections increase risk of poorer outcomes after GTPS surgery
  • Most partial-thickness gluteal tendon tears do not progress over a mean of 6 years
  • Adhesive capsulitis also occurs at the HIP
  • Muscle pain at the lateral hip or buttock may be due to vascular claudication
  • Low oestrogen levels may contribute to tendinopathy
  • High oestrogen levels may contribute to joint injury and pain
  • Clinical tests correlate with groin pain severity on PROMs
  • Copenhagen 5 Sec Squeeze is a valid indicator of groin pain severity
  • Diabetes mellitus may contribute to tendinopathy
  • Obesity may contribute to tendinopathy
  • Radiofrequency ablation is available for chronic hip pain related to osteoarthritis
  • Anterior & posterior hip osteoarthritis (OA) may be underestimated on XRay
  • Iliopsoas impingement is not always the cause of anterior hip pain post THA
  • Iliopsoas fibrosis may cause anterior hip pain post hip replacement