Dr. Alison Grimaldi Podasts

All things Anterior Hip Pain with Dr. Alison Grimaldi
June 24, 2024
Recorded by Dr. Sarah, Legacy Running
This discussion includes:
- What structures could be causing problems?
- What an outstanding assessment must consist of?
- Appropriate treatment options
- And answers to THE question: when it is time for surgery?
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

'Understanding Tendinopathies Of The Hip & Pelvis' with special guest Dr Alison Grimaldi
May 22, 2024
Hosted by Matt Phillips, Sports Therapy Association Podcast
This discussion includes:
- Understanding Tendinopathies of the Hip and Pelvis
- Research on MRI Investigations of Hip Muscles
- Importance of Patient-Centered Subjective Assessment
- The Detective Approach for Tendinopathies
- Optimizing Management Outcomes
- Hands-On vs. Hands-Off Debate
- Importance of Subjective Assessment
- The Power of Touch
- Corticosteroid Injections for Tendinopathy
- Confidence in Movement
- Online Courses and The Hip Academy with Dr Alison Grimaldi
- Patient-Focussed Education Course at hippainhelp.comAnd much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

The Physical Performance Show: Dr Alison Grimaldi – Gluteal Tendinopathy Rehabilitation
September 8, 2023
Recorded by Brad Beer, Pogo Physio
This discussion includes:
- Lateral hip pain, gluteal tendinopathy, greater trochanteric pain syndrome definition
- Symptoms gluteal tendinopathy and who is more likely to experience it
- The greater trochanter of the hip
- How best to assess lateral hip pain, gluteal tendinopathy greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Some key facets to assist being more comfortable and recovery
- Tips on exercise therapy
- Mistakes Alison has seen people making with this presentation
- The use of Corticosteroids
- Ongoing need to stay active across the lifespan
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

The pelvic tilt debate: a closer look with Dr. Alison Grimaldi
May 17, 2023
Hosted by James Armstrong, Physio Network
This discussion includes:
- Exploring pelvic tilt and acetabulum loading in relation to a paper that was recently published
- The dynamic assessment of pelvic tilt and how this can affect other structures around the hip joint
- We also discuss how changing an individual’s pelvic tilt can impact their pain and range of motion during functional tasks such as squatting.
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

Dr Alison Grimaldi: Gluteal Tendinopathy – Time to put evidence into Action
March 23, 2023
Recorded by Karen Litzy, Healthy Wealthy Smart Podcast
This discussion includes:
- Painful gluteal tendons
- Recognising gluteal tendinopathy
- Load gluteal tendons actively
- Education and exercise first
- Reducing provocative positions
- Improving patient-specific function
- Listening and tailoring the program
- Insurance limits treatment options
- Investing in continuing education
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

Hip & the Pelvic Floor with Alison Grimaldi
January 27, 2023
Recorded by Carrie Pagliano, Active Mom Podcast
This discussion includes:
- establishing collaborative care
- relationship between pelvic floor & hip
- strengthening the pelvic floor
- stress incontinence
- using real time ultrasound
- “ban the clam”
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

Lateral Hip Pain with Dr Alison Grimaldi
September 23, 2021
Recorded by Chris and Glenn, Physio Plus Fitness
This discussion includes:
- Is the clam really that bad and why?
- What should you be looking out for in the assessment of a lateral hip pain patient?
- How can we best treat a patient with lateral hip pain?
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

Dr Alison Grimaldi Clinician | Researcher | Educator
August 27, 2021
Recorded by Dr Doug Cary, Clinical Director of AAP Education
Dr Alison Grimaldi was recently interviewed on the PhysioPlus10 podcast, where her professional journey is explored.
This discussion includes:
- Learn about what prompted Alison to pursue a career in Physiotherapy
- Why the hip became a special focus for her
- Tips for young physiotherapists
- The future direction of the Physiotherapy profession
Listen to the podcast below:

Piriformis Syndrome
April 01, 2021
Recorded by Dave Elliot and Rob Beaven, The Back Pain Podcast.
In this bonus episode, find out exactly what piriformis is, how is it diagnosed and what you can do about it if you think you have it.
There is lots of confusion about piriformis and the best forms of treatment so this is a great opportunity to understand more about what it is and is not and the best ways to identify the right treatment.
Listen to the podcast below:

More top tips for managing hip pain, with Dr Alison Grimaldi: Ep 19
January 21, 2021
Recorder by Dr Chelsea Cooman and Dr Dan Chapman, JOSPT Insights
In this bonus episode, Dr Alison Grimaldi shares her approach to troubleshooting hip pain when things aren’t going as planned.
Listen to the podcast below:

What’s that pain in the butt? With Dr. Alison Grimaldi: Ep 4
November 06, 2020
Recorded by Physio Explained - Physio Network
In this episode you'll learn more about differential diagnosis of buttock pain.
This discussion includes:
- Key differences between lumbar spine, SIJ, hip and gluteal entrapment syndrome.
- Subtleties of each condition
- How to navigate our way to more specific diagnosis and therefore more targeted treatments.
Listen to the podcast below:

Lateral Hip Pain w/ Dr. Alison Grimaldi: Ep 22
October 27, 2020
Recorded by Sam Spinelli, Tony Comella, Marc Surdyka, The E3Rehab Podcast
This Discussion includes:
- Gluteal tendinopathy
- Diagnosis and management strategies
- Common myths and misconceptions
And much more!
Listen to the podcast below:

Top tips for managing hip pain, with Dr Alison Grimaldi: Ep 3
August 25, 2020
Recorder by Dr Chelsea Cooman and Dr Dan Chapman, JOSPT Insights
Dr Alison Grimaldi joins Dr Chelsea Cooman and Dr Dan Chapman to take a deep dive into gluteal tendinopathy.
This discussion includes:
- How to accurately diagnose lateral hip pain
- Typical symptoms to watch out for, and the best objective tests and measures
- Expert tips on rehabilitation including patient education, gait cues, and posture adjustments
Listen to the podcast below:

7 Lateral hip & buttock pain - Alison Grimaldi
May 10, 2019
Recorded by smart education, providers of physiotherapy education in Belgium.
This podcast covers a variety of topics around lateral hip and buttock pain.
Listen to the podcast below:

Dr Alison Grimaldi on managing gluteal tendinopathy. Ep 343
August 10, 2018
Recorded by British Journal of Sports Medicine’s Daniel Friedman, for BMJ Talk Medicine
This discussion includes:
- information regarding the LEAP, lateral hip pain randomised clinical trial, recently published in the prestigious British Medical Journal
- detail regarding the education and exercise approaches used in the trial and how to apply these in everyday clinical practice
Listen to the podcast below:

Dr Alison Grimaldi with practical physiotherapy tips on treating lateral hip pain
October 06, 2014
Recorded by Dr Karim Kahn, Editor, British Journal of Sports Medicine
This discussion includes:
- Physical tests used to assess lateral hip pain and the diagnostic value of these tests
- New treatment approaches for the older woman and younger athlete
- Practical applications – things to change in your assessment & management today
Over 25K listens!
Winner recent BJSM Podcast World Cup
'The Podcast World Cup: And the winner is…….'
28 Jul, 18 | by BJSM’
‘Top 3 most popular BJSM podcasts of all time’
18 Jan, 16 | by BJSM’
‘Ten essential BJSM podcasts that will improve your practice’
Br J Sports Med 2015;49:974 doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-095140 , BJSM online
Listen to the podcast below:

Hamstring Tendinopathy with Dr Alison Grimaldi: Ep. 11
February 20, 2012
Recorded by David Pope, Physio Edge
Hamstrings are one of the more frequently injured muscles in sportspeople, and in this episode, Alison explores hamstring tendinopathy, symptoms, assessment and treatment of this common condition.
Some of the aspects explored in this podcast are:
- Subjective clues that someone may have a Hamstring Tendinopathy
- Differentiating Hamstring Tendinopathy from pain of Lumbar origin
- Assessment of the hamstring
- Tests to confirm or rule out a Hamstring Tendinopathy
- Causes
- Advice for patients
- Rehabilitation
- Deep hip muscle activation
- Keys to a successful treatment program a whole lot more
Listen to the podcast below:

Lateral Hip Pain with Dr Alison Grimaldi: Ep 9
January 02, 2012
Recorded by David Pope, Physioedge
Lateral hip pain, traditionally diagnosed as ‘trochanteric bursitis’, is now understood to be most commonly associated with gluteal tendinopathy. This condition is most prevalent in post- menopausal women but may also occur in younger runners and males. Traditional treatments have been based on a number of false conceptions – that the problem is primarily inflammatory in nature, the primary issue is the trochanteric bursa and the cause is tightness of the iliotibial band (ITB).
This discussion includes:
- Signs and symptoms of gluteal tendinopathy
- Differential diagnosis of lateral hip pain
- Pathoaetiology – current thoughts regarding why this condition may develop
- Contemporary rehabilitation strategies
- Load management & exercise therapy
Listen to the podcast below: