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Self Help Courses for Hip Pain

Finding it hard to get the help you need with your hip pain?

Let me help you understand your condition, learn how to reduce pain during everyday life and activity, and start an exercise program that has been tailored to a specific hip condition. Find out if one of our self help courses for hip pain is right for you.

Information you can trust from a leading expert in management of hip conditions - Dr. Alison Grimaldi, physiotherapist, researcher and educator.

Clear guidelines, simple actionable steps, progress at your own pace. Take control today!

Are you a Health Professional? Click Here

Pain in your buttock region that is worse when you are sitting at home, work, or when driving?

Recovering from Piriformis Syndrome, Deep Gluteal Syndrome or Hip Related Sciatica

One frequently missed cause of buttock pain is deep gluteal syndrome, irritation  of the sciatic nerve as it runs through the buttock - sometimes also known as "piriformis syndrome". Piriformis Syndrome and other causes of painful sciatica related to the hip rather than the lower back (Hip-Related Sciatica) – are now generally referred to as Deep Gluteal Syndrome.

This course covers detailed information about the condition, causes of sciatic nerve irritation in the deep gluteal space, and strategies to manage the associated pain.

The course also provides a multilevel exercise program with early, intermediate and advanced levels, aiming to:

  • calm the nerve,
  • improve health of neighbouring structures,
  • address factors that might be part of the underlying cause, and
  • address deconditioning (weakness) that has developed with the lack of normal activity.

Take control of your buttock pain with evidence-informed self management advice and exercises designed to help, not aggravate your pain!

Struggling with buttock pain? Is your buttock pain making it difficult to sit comfortably? It might be  Piriformis Syndrome, Deep Gluteal Syndrome or Hip-Related Sciatica.

Try Part 1 FREE to find out if you might have this condition and if this course could help you.

Pain over the outside of your hip, that is worse when lying on your side at night, and during walking, stairclimbing or hill climbing?

Recovering from Gluteal Tendinopathy, Trochanteric Bursitis,

Gluteal tendinopathy is the main soft tissue cause of trochanteric pain. Some people also have trochanteric bursitis and together these conditions are often referred to as Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome. These soft tissue conditions are most common in older women but can also occur in men and younger females. It is a problem that can interfere substantially with sleep, physical activity, and impact substantially on quality of life.

This rehabilitation program provides an evidence-based approach to managing this condition.

  1. The first step is understanding the condition – the different diagnoses and their causes.
  2. Next, detailed educational lessons cover self management strategies including activity modification, specific load management and general health strategies.
  3. Then on to a multilevel exercise program, progressing from early to advanced level exercises, with detail on how to progress and regress if necessary.

Take control of that pain at the side of your hip that's stopping you getting a good night's sleep and preventing you from staying active! Learn from Dr. Alison Grimaldi, a world leading expert in the treatment of gluteal tendinopathy and trochanteric bursitis. There is so much mis-information on the internet - stop wasting your time and move on with an evidence-based program - your road to recovery.

Try Part 1 FREE to find out if you have this condition and if this course can help you.


Created By: Dr Alison Grimaldi

Dr Alison Grimaldi is a physiotherapist, researcher and educator with over 30 years of clinical experience. She has completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, a Masters of Sports Physiotherapy and a PhD, with her doctorate topic in the hip region. Dr Grimaldi is Practice Principal of PhysioTec Physiotherapy in Brisbane, an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland and a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. She has treated many thousands of patients with hip pain of all types, continues to work clinically in her practice and has been reseraching in this field for over 20 years.

Dr Grimaldi also helps other health professionals around the world to improve understanding and management of hip pain conditions. She runs a global Hip Academy and has presented over 100 workshops all around the world.

You might also be interested in our Self Help Products. Including a range of cushions, pillows, mattress toppers, and heating/cooling therapy, designed to help you manage your hip pain more effectively.

For Health Professionals - Let me Help You Help Your Patients with Hip Pain

These new Self Help Courses for Hip Pain can also be a very valuable resource for health professionals. Below I have included 3 key scenarios where these courses could benefit you as a health professional.

How can health professionals benefit from these Self-Help Courses?

1. Let me help you co-pilot your treatment program

  • Use my self help courses as a framework for your treatment programs.
  • Let me provide the educational content through detailed pre-recorded lessons, where it is difficult to find the time to cover this information in such detail in the clinic.
  • The exercise programs are already laid out, with videos and information on progressions and regressions - what to do in the case of any pain flares. In clinic, you can focus on individualising the program schedule and ensuring optimal exercise technique.
  • Where hospital, medicare or health funds may only cover 5-6 treatment sessions, supplementing with these low cost programs, can allow you to spread your sessions over a much longer time period - great for those with chronic conditions like gluteal tendinopathy and deep gluteal syndrome.

2. Recommend patients complete Programs independently

  • Although I always recommend supervised programs where possible, where health cover will not support face-to-face treatment or patients are unable to attend for various reasons, you can direct them towards these high-quality, evidence based self help programs. Much more preferable than the Dr Google minefield of misinformation! Save your patient time, money and the pain of inappropriate self treatment strategies recommended by unqualified blog writers, AI, or social media influencers.

3. Take the course yourself

  • This is a great opportunity for you to learn what sort of information I would cover in my educational content, and specific recommendations I give patients for these conditions - all in simple lay language.
  • You can also see what exercises are prescribed, watch the videos and learn the cues and how the program can be appropriately progressed and regressed if the patient has pushed themselves too hard in everyday life, activity or exercise.