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Lateral Hip and Buttock Pain Online Workshops for physiotherapists and other health professionals involved with the management of lateral hip and buttock pain

The lateral hip and buttock region can be challenging for health professionals. Do you have a strategy for working through differential diagnoses and management planning for lateral hip or buttock pain? Having a solid foundation of understanding potential conditions and their drivers is key, and then a framework for logically working through the options, tests to apply and directions for management.

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Online Workshop Attendee Testimonial

"This has been the most amazing course. So many aspects of anatomy and morphology were presented that I have not been aware of. I also appreciated views of X-rays, MRI, US to enhance our understanding. Along with your clinical experience and examples, research and clear explanations, this course has given me a far better understanding and guide to assessment & management of syndromes around the hip and buttock. As I have been learning, it has been so beneficial to immediately apply everything to my clinical practice. And thank you so much for the great virtual session. It helped consolidate the online material and I really gained a lot by watching the videos of assessments, the exercises and being able to practice with you, as well as how you applied your assessment and management to the patients you presented. Thank you so much! I can't think of any way this course could be improved."

Leigh Negin, Physiotherapist, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Upskill in practical applications of assessment and management of joint, tendon and nerve related lateral hip and buttock pain,  from the comfort of your own home with Dr. Alison Grimaldi's live online workshops!

Presented by: Dr Alison Grimaldi

Dr Alison Grimaldi Profile Picture - 450 x 525


  • 30+ years experience
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy
  • Masters of Sports Physiotherapy
  • APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist
  • Practice Principal of PhysioTec Physiotherapy in Brisbane - 18 years
  • Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists


  • Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), in physiotherapy, on hip region
  • 20+ years of research involvement
  • Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland
  • Involvement in collaborative international research projects


  • University of Queensland visiting educator for Masters Programs for > 20 years
  • Presented over 100 clinical workshops globally
  • Presented over 50 podium conference presentations
  • Founder of Hip Academy, a global platform aimed at helping more people around the world with hip pain

6 hours of PowerPoint lessons with printable notes

6 x weekly emails to guide your progress, leading up to the live event

Culminating in 2 x 3-hour live zoom sessions

6 weeks access to recordings of the live workshop event

Emily Wong

Online Workshop Attendee Testimonial

"I really enjoyed the course. It was informative and clear. The online lectures are good lengths (all less than an hour) so that they are easy to digest and the recordings are easy to listen to and engaging. I particularly enjoyed the weekly emails for suggestions as to what lectures to complete, it helped keep me on track so that I was up to date when it came to the online workshops. It provided good practical ideas that can be utilised in practice the next day."

Emily Wong, Physiotherapist, Hong Kong


SYNOPSIS for Lateral Hip & Buttock Pain Online Workshop

Buttock pain is often the 'black box' of the hip, full of mystery for many. This can be because of the relatively complex anatomy and structural relationships, and the many 'moving parts' that behave in different ways depending on the task and various intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Some will suggest that such things are irrelevant, but the 'bio' remains important for most patients presenting to primary health care for assistance for lateral hip and buttock pain.

However, it doesn't have to be a mystery. Taking a little time to better understand the region pays huge dividends in your ability to develop 2-3 potential differentials and work systematically through an assessment and management plan for joint related, soft tissue related or nerve related lateral hip and buttock pain. Next time a patient with lateral hip or buttock pain is booked on your list, wouldn't it be nice to replace that sharp inhalation with a sigh of relief!

LEARNING OBJECTIVES for Lateral Hip and Buttock Pain Online Workshop:

This lateral hip and buttock pain online workshop aims to assist you in better recognising, assessing and managing a range of lateral hip and buttock pain conditions, including:

  • Gluteal tendinopathy and associated conditions such as ‘trochanteric bursitis’ (Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome – GTPS)
  • Proximal hamstring tendinopathy
  • Posterior hip instability
  • Posterior Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome
  • Ischiofemoral impingement
  • Nerve related posterior hip pain – Deep Gluteal Syndrome (including Piriformis Syndrome)

ONLINE THEORY for Lateral Hip and Buttock Pain Online Workshop

The substantial theoretical component of this course is presented in an online learning format for your flexibility and optimal learning experience. To keep everyone on track to have completed this content prior to the live workshop, you will receive an email series to guide you through this content. This will involve a time commitment of approximately 1 hour per week. You will receive 6 weekly emails to guide your progress through the online learning component. You will also be free to go ahead or review any of the lessons over the following 3-month period.

6 hours of PowerPoint lectures with printable notes.

Learn anywhere, at your own pace, in your own time.

Rewind and revise as many times as you like.

Self-assessment quiz

3 months of unlimited access to video content

Aims of the Online Component:

  • Clarify definitions and diagnoses of lateral hip and buttock pain
  • Explore factors which may influence loads across the lateral hip & buttock and predispose to intra or extra-articular impingement, such as:
    • morphological variants (e.g. bony structure, soft tissue – neural relationships)
    • adverse soft tissue loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function (focus on hip abductors and short external rotators).
  • Provide an overview of key load management and therapeutic exercise strategies for lateral hip and buttock pain, particular to the patient presentation and associated difficulties with mechanical load transfer.
  • Provide an update on scientific evidence for underlying diagnostic and management approaches

LIVE ONLINE WORKSHOP CONTENT for Lateral Hip and Buttock Pain Online Workshop

The live online workshop will be provided as 2 x 3 hour live zoom sessions. The shorter sessions allow for greater flexibility and avoid participant fatigue with prolonged online course attendance. Due to time-zone differences, the workshops will be repeated at either end of the day on both Saturday and Sunday.

There will be 2 sessions each day, repeating the same content, so you will have an opportunity to choose one session on each day that best suits you:

The online workshop will guide participants through diagnostic tests and management strategies for lateral hip and buttock pain. There is now high-quality evidence for assessment and management of gluteal tendinopathy from the ‘LEAP’ lateral hip pain randomised clinical trial, of which Alison was a key investigator. Participants will receive first-hand instruction on techniques, advice regarding how best to apply this approach in clinical practice and valuable troubleshooting for slow or non-responders.

The workshop with then delve into the other lesser-known problems associated with buttock pain that may present diagnostic and management challenges – posterior joint instability, bony impingements, peripheral nerve entrapments and musculotendinous overload. Understanding the impact of bony morphology, soft tissue interfaces and postural and movement patterns is critical to optimal management of these conditions.

↓ Breakdown of each day ↓

What we cover on Day 1 – Lateral Hip & Buttock Pain Online Workshop


  • Recognising different conditions through patient presentation, interview and physical tests.
  • Demonstration of formal diagnostic tests for posterior hip instability, posterior femoroacetabular impingement & ischiofemoral  impingement.
  • Demonstration of formal diagnostic tests for nerve impingements with focus on sciatic nerve impingements (deep gluteal syndrome/piriformis syndrome).
  • Telehealth assessment strategies for joint instability, bony impingements and nerve assessment – which we will all do together.
  • Load management & exercise therapy for posterior hip instability versus ischiofemoral impingement.
  • Special focus on deep external rotator exercises for these conditions – I will let you know beforehand what very simple equipment you need to have on hand.
  • Load management & exercise therapy for sciatic nerve impingement and how this will vary depending on drivers and impairments.
  • Time for questions

What we cover on Day 2 – Lateral Hip & Buttock Pain Online Workshop


  • Diagnostic assessment of proximal hamstring tendinopathy – combination of demonstration & try on yourself telehealth assessments.
  • Load management and exercise therapy for proximal hamstring tendinopathy.
  • Diagnostic assessment of gluteal tendinopathy – combination of demonstration & try on yourself telehealth assessments.
  • Load management and exercise therapy for gluteal tendinopathy.
  • Practice all key weightbearing exercises – I will let you know beforehand what very simple equipment you need to have on hand.
  • Step-by-step troubleshooting for failure to progress, and advice on how to alter programs for more complex presentations e.g., patients presenting with additional hip joint conditions and/or lower back pain.
  • Addressing expectations – your patient’s expectations and your own.
  • Time for questions

Upcoming Live Online Workshops:

Can't attend the live event?

No problem, these sessions will be recorded and you will be provided with access to these for a further 6 weeks after the live session.


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