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Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

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Book three of this series details mechanobiological mechanisms of proximal hamstring tendinopathy and the clinical implications for assessment and management of this condition, common particularly in the running population.

Includes: 50 pages, 60 references, 1 table, 16 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos.

eBook & videos available to view-only for a 6-month access period

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Local structural and functional anatomy, together with known patho-anatomy is examined prior to discussion of the pathoaetiological model. This model and evidence regarding impairments is reviewed and together these elements provide a basis for contemporary assessment and management of proximal hamstring tendinopathy.

Available evidence from the scientific literature is combined with over 25 years of clinical experience to provide a wealth of information for immediately use within a clinical environment.

Book Contents

  1. Impact and Prevalence
  2. Clinical Presentation
  3. Review of Local Anatomy
  4. Pathology & Terminology
  5. Patho-Aetiology
  6. Impairments
  7. Diagnosis
  8. Management
  9. Reference List

This ebook is included in Hip Academy Membership

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