Anterior Hip & Groin Pain Online Workshops for physiotherapists and other health professionals involved in the management of anterior hip and groin pain
Anterior Hip & Groin Pain Online Workshops for physiotherapists and other health professionals involved in the management of anterior hip and groin pain
Are you keen to upskill your assessment and management of anterior hip and groin pain conditions, but you just can't make it to a practical workshop?
Join one of my live anterior hip and groin pain online workshops and you'll be guided through the background theory videos, completed in your own time, then join me live online for demonstrations, case studies, practice of key techniques and exercises, and discussion and question time. It's a fantastic alternative to get you on your way.
Workshop Attendee Testimonial
"The Anterior Hip and Groin Pain Workshop had an immediate impact in my clinical practice and was the difference in improving outcomes for some of my more difficult clients."
Rowan Willis • BHlthSc/MPhysio) • Director / Head Physiotherapist • Australia
Upskill in clinical applications of assessment and management of joint, tendon and nerve related anterior hip and groin pain, from the comfort of your own home with Dr. Alison Grimaldi's live online workshops!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Presented by: Dr Alison Grimaldi
- 30+ years experience
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
- Masters of Sports Physiotherapy
- APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist
- Practice Principal of PhysioTec Physiotherapy in Brisbane - 18 years
- Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists
- Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), in physiotherapy, on hip region
- 20+ years of research involvement
- Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland
- Involvement in collaborative international research projects
- University of Queensland visiting educator for Masters Programs for > 20 years
- Presented over 100 clinical workshops globally
- Presented over 50 podium conference presentations
- Founder of Hip Academy, a global platform aimed at helping more people around the world with hip pain
Workshop Attendee Testimonial
"The Anterior Hip and Groin on-line course by Dr. Alison Grimaldi was terrific. It helped to increase my knowledge of the hip and has increased my confidence in treating conditions like FAI and Adductor Tendinopathy. Her material is presented in an evidence based and time manageable format. This course is a must for any Orthopaedic Physiotherapist who treat dysfunctions in the lower quadrant."
Martin Payne • BScPT, MClSc(MT), F.C.A.M.P.T. • Manual Physiotherapist • Canada
SYNOPSIS for Anterior Hip and Groin Pain Online Workshop
In the last 10-15 years, there has been an explosion of scientific literature that has the potential to increase our understanding, diagnostic accuracy and outcomes of management for anterior hip and groin pain conditions. There is now much greater information available around conditions experienced by younger people, such as femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) and acetabular dysplasia. Where as 20 years ago, the word 'instability' was rarely used at the hip outside the context of trauma, total hip arthroplasty and congenital dislocation of the hip, we know understand that microinstability may underpin joint change in many intra-articular conditions, including FAIS.
It is difficult for busy clinicians to keep up to date with the rapid advances in the evidence, and to interpret some of the findings. One of my primary aims is to gather and decipher the evidence into clinically meaningful information, and practical application. I feel I have a somewhat unique standpoint to help clinicians as both a researcher and a physiotherapist of over 30 years myself, having seen a high volume of hip and groin pain in the last 20 years. In this online workshop, we'll be using case-based learning to optimise the knowledge transfer into your own clinical practice.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES for Anterior Hip and Groin Pain Online Workshop
This anterior hip and groin pain online workshop aims to assist you in better recognising, assessing and managing a range of anterior hip and groin pain conditions, including:
- Pain associated with hip chondral pathology and labral tears
- Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS)
- Extra-articular impingement (AIIS impingement, subspine impingement)
- Anterior hip instability associated with acetabular dysplasia and/or capsuloligamentous deficiency (hypermobility/EDS, trauma, iatrogenic)
- Anterior hip pain associated with femoral malversion (excessive femoral anteversion or femoral retroversion
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Hip flexor related pain, iliopsoas tendinopathy/iliopsoas bursitis
- Groin pain with focus on adductor related groin pain
- Nerve related anterior hip pain
ONLINE THEORY for Anterior Hip Pain and Groin Pain Online Workshop
The substantial theoretical component of this online hip workshop is presented in an online learning format for your flexibility and optimal learning experience. To keep everyone on track to have completed this content prior to the live workshop, you will receive an email series to guide you through this content. This will involve a time commitment of approximately 1 hour per week. You will receive 6 weekly emails to guide your progress through the online learning component. You will also be free to go ahead or review any of the lessons over the following 3-month period.
Aims of the Online Component:
- Clarify definitions of anterior hip and groin pain
- Explore factors which may influence intra-articular hip joint loads
- morphological variants (eg FAI, acetabular dysplasia, femoral version, capsulo-labral deficits)
- adverse joint loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function
- the adequacy of joint protection mechanisms
- Explore factors which may influence extra-articular loads in the anterior hip region
- morphological variants (eg. AIIS Impingement/Subspine Impingement)
- adverse soft tissue loading associated with kinematics and neuromotor function (focus on hip flexors)
- Provide an overview of key load management and therapeutic exercise strategies for anterior hip pain, particular to the patient presentation and associated difficulties with mechanical load transfer.
- Provide an update on groin pain clinical entities and where the literature sits with regard to prevention and management.
LIVE ONLINE WORKSHOP CONTENT for Anterior Hip and Groin Pain Online Workshop
The live online workshop will be provided as 2 x 3 hour live zoom sessions. The shorter sessions allow for greater flexibility and avoid participant fatigue with prolonged online course attendance. Due to time-zone differences, the workshops will be repeated at either end of the day on both Saturday and Sunday.
There will be 2 sessions each day, repeating the same content, so you will have an opportunity to choose one session on each day that best suits you:
↓ Breakdown of each day ↓
What we cover on Day 1 – Anterior Hip & Groin Pain Online Workshop
• Recognising different conditions through patient presentation, interview and physical tests
• Demonstration of formal diagnostic tests for anterior hip and groin pain, and anterior hip instability
• Telehealth assessments of the hip & groin, which we will all do together
• Interactive case studies to walk through differential diagnoses of a number of presentations
• Time for questions
What we cover on Day 2 – Anterior Hip & Groin Pain Online Workshop
• Tips regarding manual therapy and when it is or is not appropriate
• Demonstration of manual techniques and self-mobilisation
• Recognising situations of anterior hip and groin overload
• Load management strategies for anterior hip and groin pain
• Exercise techniques and strategies for managing anterior hip and groin pain, with focus on:
– modifying exercise technique for specific pathological and morphological presentations, to avoid aggravation and optimise outcomes
– specific hip flexor and adductor exercise techniques
– specific exercises for nerve related anterior hip and groin pain
• Interactive case study discussions
• Time for questions
We will also be walking through the clinical reasoning for 5 different presentations of anterior hip and groin pain. This will allow us to not only cover all useful diagnostic tests for this region, but to apply them clinically and bring together the wider information we can gather from the full assessment, to build our management strategies for each case on day 2.
The following cases will be covered:
Case 1: AJ – Flexion Related Anterior Hip Pain
- 25-year-old male with deep anterior hip pain
- Aggravated by prolonged sitting/driving
- Ache worst after gym; catch of pain with incline leg press, full squat, deadlift, getting in/out low car
- Interferes with sleep after a heavy gym workout
Case 2: Sarah – Extension Related Anterior Hip Pain
- 16-year-old ballet dancer with anterior hip pain & clicking
- Aggravated by single leg stance tasks, standing hip extension, sustaining 5th position, & front splits
- Occasionally feels like will her leg will give way in single leg stance in turnout
Case 3: Margaret – Hip Stiffness & Limping
- 65-year-old female who developed unexplained intermittent anterior knee pain 2 years ago
- 6 months ago, developed ‘C-Sign’ ache that sometimes radiates through to the buttock
- Increasing difficulty reaching foot to put shoes and socks on
- Walking capacity has reduced to 1km, with limping
Case 4: Charlie – Inguinal Pain Post Hernia Repair
- 40-year-old male with persistent pain post surgery
- Experiencing an annoying itching/skin crawling feeling – mid inguinal and extending into upper thigh
- Aggravated by sitting and driving
- Also a sharp ‘lightning bolt’ pain with large strides during fast walking
Case 5: Greg – Longstanding Groin Pain
- 22-year-old football player with niggling groin pain
- 6 months ago, slipped when changing direction playing football (soccer) – acute pain in the upper medial thigh
- Not been able to reach full sprint or change of direction speed since
- Feels performance has dropped significantly
Upcoming Live Online Workshops:
Can't attend the live event?
No problem, these sessions will be recorded and you will be provided with access to these for a further 6 weeks after the live session.
Not ready for an online workshop just yet? Here are some FREE resources
FREE Blogs on Anterior Hip Pain
FREE eBook on Anterior Hip Pain
Download my FREE 12-page High Definition, Full Colour eBook. Easily recognise the potential sources of nociception or referral within my 12-page eBook on differential diagnosis of Anterior Hip Pain.
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