Understanding Tendinopathies of the Hip & Pelvis eBooks
Enhance your outcomes by applying an understanding of mechanisms and impairments to diagnosis and management of hip & pelvic tendinopathies.
Alison’s series of four e-Books aims to provide readers with a deeper understanding of tendinopathies of the hip and pelvis.
Learn about mechanobiological mechanisms, risk factors, impairments, diagnostic tests and management approaches for key tendon related conditions around the hip & pelvis.
- eBook 1: Mechanobiological mechanisms and implications for understanding aetiology and management of tendinopathy
- eBook 2: Greater Trochanteric Pain – Gluteal Tendinopathy & Associated Pathologies
- eBook 3: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
- eBook 4: Iliopsoas & Adductor Related Groin Pain
Understanding Tendinopathies of the Hip & Pelvis eBooks
Enhance your outcomes by applying an understanding of mechanisms and impairments to diagnosis and management of hip & pelvic tendinopathies.
Alison’s series of four e-Books aims to provide readers with a deeper understanding of tendinopathies of the hip and pelvis.
Learn about mechanobiological mechanisms, risk factors, impairments, diagnostic tests and management approaches for key tendon related conditions around the hip & pelvis.
- eBook 1: Mechanobiological mechanisms and implications for understanding aetiology and management of tendinopathy
- eBook 2: Greater Trochanteric Pain – Gluteal Tendinopathy & Associated Pathologies
- eBook 3: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
- eBook 4: Iliopsoas & Adductor Related Groin Pain

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eBook 1: Mechanobiological mechanisms and implications for understanding aetiology and management of tendinopathy
This first book dives deep into the mechanobiological mechanisms associated with tendinopathy. First, an understanding of basic tendon structure is required before introducing the molecules that maintain homeostasis and exploring the influence of cytokines and mechanical loading.
With this knowledge in hand, aetiological models of tendinopathy, stages of tendinopathy, pain mechanisms and other factors that may predispose to tendinopathy are considered. An understanding of proposed mechanobiological mechanisms underlying the development of tendinopathy underpins the development of appropriate management strategies that will be discussed for each region in subsequent books.
Includes: 36 pages, 61 references, 8 figures & 3 tables.
eBook available to view-only for a 6-month access period

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eBook 2: Greater Trochanteric Pain - Gluteal Tendinopathy & Associated Pathologies
Book 2 of this series builds on the understanding of mechanobiological mechanisms associated with tendinopathy and explores specific research findings for gluteal tendinopathy and the clinical implications for assessment and management of this common condition.
A review of the local anatomy and patho-anatomy lays the groundwork for the proposed pathoaetiological model that underpins the assessment and management strategies presented. A firm evidence base from the available scientific literature is combined with over 30 years of clinical experience to provide clinically relevant and readily applicable information to enhance clinical outcomes.
Includes: 56 pages, 71 references, 22 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos
eBook available to view-only for a 6-month access period

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eBook 3: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
Book 3 of this series details mechanobiological mechanisms of proximal hamstring tendinopathy and the clinical implications for assessment and management of this condition, common particularly in the running population. Local structural and functional anatomy, together with known patho-anatomy is examined prior to discussion of the pathoaetiological model.
This model and evidence regarding impairments is reviewed and together these elements provide a basis for contemporary assessment and management of proximal hamstring tendinopathy. Available evidence from the scientific literature is combined with over 25 years of clinical experience to provide a wealth of information for immediately use within a clinical environment.
Includes: 50 pages, 60 references, 1 table, 16 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos.
eBook available to view-only for a 6-month access period

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eBook 4: Iliopsoas & Adductor Related Groin Pain
Book 4 of this series explores two common groin pain clinical entities, adductor-related and iliopsoas-related groin pain. The adductor and iliopsoas tendons play a key role in these clinical entities, either as a pain source or a mechanism by which forces transferred by the tendon to adjacent structures results in pain or injury.
A review of impact and prevalence, clinical presentation and local anatomy prepares the reader for the detailed analysis in the following chapters. Data available for pathology, pathoaetiology, impairments and diagnostic utility of clinical tests will be examined. The available scientific evidence and 30 years of clinical experience are combined to provide clinically relevant and detailed information for assessment and management of Iliopsoas and Adductor Related Groin Pain.
Includes: 88 pages, 139 references, 29 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos, 2 tables including detailed exercise specifics and progression table.
eBook available to view-only for a 6-month access period

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About Dr Alison Grimaldi
Dr Alison Grimaldi is a physiotherapist, researcher and educator with over 30 years of clinical experience. She has completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, a Masters of Sports Physiotherapy and a PhD, with her doctorate topic in the hip region. Dr Grimaldi is Practice Principal of PhysioTec Physiotherapy in Brisbane and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. She runs a global Hip Academy and has presented over 100 workshops around the world.
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