Hip Academy - ebook Inclusions
Hip Academy provides ongoing access to all 4 hip ebooks (OVER 220 PAGES) for as long as you remain a member
Pay-as-you-go ebook purchases provide 6 months access to ebook content.
Ongoing access in Hip Academy allows members to refresh their knowledge anytime.
ebook 1: Mechanobiological mechanisms and implications for understanding aetiology and management of tendinopathy
This first ebook dives aims to improve understanding of tendon structure, molecules that maintain homeostasis, the influence of cytokines and mechanical loading, aetiological models of tendinopathy, stages of tendinopathy, pain mechanisms and other factors that may predispose to tendinopathy.
Includes: 36 pages, 61 references, 8 figures & 3 tables.
Normal Cost: $15 for 6 months access For Hip Academy Members: Included, ongoing access
ebook 2: Greater Trochanteric Pain
eBook two of this series builds on the understanding of mechanobiological mechanisms associated with tendinopathy and explores specific research findings for gluteal tendinopathy and the clinical implications for assessment and management of this common condition.
Includes: 56 pages, 71 references, 22 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos
Normal Cost: $45 for 6 months access For Hip Academy Members: Included, ongoing access
ebook 3: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
Lateral hip and particularly buttock pain can often present diagnostic dilemmas and management challenges. This course examines the various joint-related, soft tissue-related and nerve-related conditions associated with lateral hip and buttock pain, their mechanisms, clinical diagnostic tests and management approaches.
Includes: 50 pages, 60 references, 1 table, 16 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos.
Normal Cost: $30 for 6 months access For Hip Academy Members: Included, ongoing access
ebook: Iliopsoas and Adductor Related Groin Pain
ebook 4 explores two common groin pain clinical entities, adductor-related and iliopsoas-related groin pain. Includes impact and prevalence, clinical presentation, local anatomy and pathology, pathoaetiology, impairments, diagnostic utility of clinical tests and management of these conditions.
Includes: 88 pages, 139 references, 29 figures & dozens of education and exercise photos, 2 tables including detailed exercise specifics and progression table.
Normal Cost: $50 for 6 months access For Hip Academy Members: Included, ongoing access